I was racked with fear, having been startled awake so suddenly in the dark, and the sound of the explosion echoed in my ears like a menacing horror. I didn’t
know what had caused it. Had someone shot a gun? Police often encircled the area neighborhood. I hoped it wasn't criminal activity. But what was it?
All my senses were alert now. There was no going back to sleep. I pulled on some blue jean capris,
feeling the urgency to prepare myself for flight or to protect myself. Grabbing my cherished rosary beads from the bedpost – the ones from
Medjugorie that are such a comfort to me in times of distress - I walked around the house a bit, feeling unsettled. When I returned to the bedroom window, watching my three neighbors down below (and wishing to join them
but too afraid to actually go down), I noticed, rising over the tops
of the huge tree line just opposite, beyond the apartments, dense clouds of
white smoke, larger than the heads of trees. I could not see the flames, but I
watched with horror as the thick smoke puffed upward in billowy clouds, visible from the glow of street lights. I
breathlessly prayed..."Our Father, who art in heaven...Hail Mary, full of grace...",
beseeching divine protection for all with increasing fervor. All the while, an icon of Our Lady
of Perpetual Help gazed calmly back at me from atop my dresser. I felt assured that Mother and
Child were there, aware of the plight.
Through my open window came the sound of glass smashing to
pieces and a building falling apart. I never realized house fires would sound
like that, but I kept hearing more glass breaking and smashing.
In the next room over, my roommate was sound asleep, as it
seemed the majority of my neighbors were also, oblivious to the danger in our own
neighborhood – literally, in our own neck of the woods. It was almost 4:00 a.m. before my neighbors retired
to their respective apartments, and I settled back in bed, still clinging to
the rosary like to a mother’s hand.
As I began to drift asleep, it wasn't long before
another sound pierced the silence and filled my ears - this time the cheerful chitter-chatter and chirping of
birds. Before even the first rays of light had broken over the horizon, these little creatures of habit were anticipating a new day with innocent squeaks and chirps of glee, undaunted by the recent terror of
the night. They let out their chant-like
praise, thanking the Lord, in their birdish way, to be alive at the turn of a new day.

A verse from today's Responsorial Psalm 17 struck my ears, "Though you test my heart, searching it in the night, though you try me with fire, you shall find no malice in me."
Later, I learned the gunshot sound I heard was an oxygen explosion that occurred during the fire. The female owner of the house was rescued and safe.